“I know my audience”. This would probably be the biggest lie every founder/owner tells themselves.
If you ask any fellow startup founder or small business owner who has indulged in digital marketing, they would strongly agree that in their initial days, more often than not, the campaigns were a hit or miss. And when it missed, it missed completely.
If you knew your audience, why would it be a complete miss?
One can argue this being the result of a multitude of factors such as, substandard content, terrible UI/UX, wrong platform choice etc.
But 8 out of 10 times, from our experience, it was because they were addressing the wrong audience.
The point to note here is, even if you get the other factors wrong, if your audience is right, they will be forgiving. But if your audience is wrong to start off with, the slightest communication slip can cause the campaign to be a big miss. Simply because they find no value or solution in your campaign.
So here are few steps you could try next time around no matter how well you think you know your audience. Give it a go and you won’t regret it.
1) Get as #CustomerCentric as possible
Focus all your energy on helping customers achieve their goals and not only on communicating what you do. Let us explain
Step 1 – #KnowYourAudience. Go through your customer base, social media and other customer touch points and build a customer profile
Step 2 – List out the the problems you think your clients are facing
Step 3 – Corroborate these problems first hand with a test audience
Step 4 – Develop content that provides answers to these problems and how to go about it
Step 5 – Deploy it across all customer touch points
2) Implement a #FeedbackMechanism in place
No point in making the customer profile and talking to them without getting it vetted by the customers themselves.
Find out from your customers whether your content was interesting, engaging and useful
Track KPIs such as number of impressions, dwell time, engagements, conversions. This will help you understand the effectiveness of your content.
Remember: Do not go by hearsay, always get first hand feedback from your customers.
3) Give birth to #BrandAdvocates
Genuine customer reviews and testimonials can act as the solid credibility layer your brand is looking for.
It is an innate craving for people to hear the experiences of other customers before adopting a product or service. Ensure you request your customers to cover the points other customers would want to hear. Honest opinions and not scripted ones, of course.
Summary: Clients who have adopted this method have seen a substantial positive shift in the effectiveness of their campaigns with bare minimum tweaks and iterations.
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