Tatopo Digital - Digital Elevation

The Content Marketing Funnel Simplified for Small Businesses

Content Marketing could as well be the most under rated form of marketing. Every piece of marketing communication falls under content marketing but many a times, the focus of a marketing campaign is on the thought or the physical execution of it instead of the effectiveness of the message keeping the audience in mind.

Marketers of startups and small businesses often find themselves lost when it comes to putting together a strategy by segregating how and where to deploy various marketing communication.

Here is a small guide on how to navigate the content marketing funnel.

Understanding which piece of marketing communication falls in which part of the funnel is the first step to chalking out your content marketing strategy.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

Primary Research, Webpages, Infographics, Photos, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts, E-books, Audio & Video Podcasts, Print Magazines, Newsletters

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)

Educational Resources, Useful Resources, Downloads, Webinar/Events, Emails, Discounts/Offers, Quiz/Surveys

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

Demo, Customer Stories, Comparison/Spec Sheet, Webinar/Events